Originally Posted by
Cool, im gonna try leaving it and see if anything good/bad happens.
p.s.- my dang ph is still holdind steady at 7.8
Saves time! lol. In your case, however, witht he pH "problems" you have, you may want to rinse until you get pH under control, then just dump cubes in. The reason I feel it is ok in most tanks, such as mine, is because al parameters are in alignment, and I have a good buffer capacity built up, and as well, have learned my tank well so I know how to fix something quickly if anything goes awry.
7.8 isnt horrible!
In light of our last discussions, what have you changed thus far?
have you been adding baking soda as Guy reccommended to raise alk? Remember, your alk and calcium buffer MUST be functioning correctly, or you wont get a raise in pH in the long run.
Have you emptied the penguin at all of everything?
Is the top opened or closed?
Did you ever get the skimmer?
Explain what has been done out of our input