Feeding Frozen Mysis Shrimp


OK, I have a stupid question. But I'm new, and I once heard that there is no such thing as a stupid question.
I have a new Coral beauty and Hippo. I already have a yellow tang, 2 clowns, and a fire shrimp that eat flakes and seaweed selects great. My new coral beauty and Hippo are very active, but not eating the flakes or seaweed. I've heard that frozen mysis are good, so I purchased some.
My question - how do I prepare the frozen mysis squares? Put them in water in microwave to thaw?
Also, I've had the beauty and hippo now for 3 days. Am I being too impatient for them to eat?
Thanks for help.


If you put some tank water in a small paper cup with the cube, the cube will melt very soon and then you can feed them.
I don't use a whole cube at a time so I keep some leftover in a small dorm size fridge near to frozen for a few days. I also just use untreated tap water to thaw mine in an haven't noticed any ill effects from this.


Active Member
When I thaw frozen foods, I take a clean, tank dedicated cup, add tank water and place the frozen cube in it. Once it warms up I feed the tank.

ledzep fan

Active Member
Mysis is how my lfs got my Hippo and i have had him for about 2 days and is already eating formula 2 and flake. (No wonder he was so skinny at the lfs.
He is eating what i have said above and doing good so far.
As for the mysis, you can try. You don't have to put it into the microwave because it melts in the water. Just rub your fingers with the mysis in the middle and the mysis will just come off the ice part of it. Good luck! :cheer: :jumping: They are great fish!
The Zep


Well, that solved that problem. The hippo and beauty are killing those things. Thank you for the help.
The coral beauty will occasionally take a piece in and then spit it out, but I'm assuming that's just a picky fish?
Thanks again.


Just break it off and hold in the water. That's the fun of it all my fish eat right out of my hands. Don't wash it, thaw it. You will be washing all the nutirents away.