feeding garlic


New Member
From what I have been reading I understand that feeding garlic can help my tang with ick. I am not sure what type of food to use and how to feed the garlic with it. Can someone help with advice?


I have never used it myself but I understand you just soak it (e.g. nori) in garlic before you give it to your tang.
Do a search in this forum with keyword "garlic". I'm sure you will get quite some hits.
Good luck


New Member
O.K. What can it hurt to feed it now? Maybe it will help. So what do I soak in garlic? They lfs guy sold me flakes in a jar. That won't work. What do tangs like?


Active Member
I don't have a yellow tang but found this on the internet.
These fish are herbivorous need vegetable matter in their diet. Algae tablets, lettuce, seaweed and spinach all make good foods. They will browse on algae growing on rocks and other decorations

I have read that some will eat anythng in front of them.
Your tang (any fish) does best with a varied diet, not just flake.
To soak flake in garlic take a bit of water from tank, mix it with garlic extract etc and leave flake to soak.


I suggest going to the grocery store buying a garlic bulb and crushing it up in a container, adding some RO/DI water and let soak. Then when you feed pour some of the garlic water into a container with your food. Let it soak for 30 minutes or so, drain and feed like normal. I do this everytime I fed and have not had any trouble with parasites. I keep the container in the frig for future use. I try to keep the concentration of the qarlic water as high as possible ( ie lots of crushed garlic). I agree that soaking food in garlic will not cure ich per se but it is invaluable in preventing ich. Although I, like many others, never heard of using garlic until it was too late. As such I lost one fish from my tank due to ich while all the others were able to stay healthy. I never QT the other 6 fish in my tank and have since taken out and added new ones without a hitch. It also is a good way to entice fincky fish into eating.


I feed all my fish garlic. The fish seems to eat a lot more aggressively when I use garlic also.