Feeding leapord shark


I was told that the feeding of a leapord shark affects how active they are. Is this true? And if so, how much and how often should I feed my leapord so that he will remain active?


When I had mine, I fed him every other day. I just fed him a few peices of frozen squid, he was plenty active.


No problem, you definetly don't want to over feed them, because they actually dont know when to stop. The will eventually just sit at the bottom of the tank propped on their stomach, motionless. It worked really well for me, just a few peices of frozen squid every other day...... take care.


Pimp, what size is your leopard? When you say he's not active, what does he do? I bought two of them about 2 weeks ago and gave one to my friend and his swims nonstop where mine rests on the bottom just as much as he swims. I figured it was because his was a little bigger. I fed him a little more than usual the first week to get a bit of size on him and now he swims plenty. Enough to entertain guests anyway.


Salt, he's about 8-9 inches, but he seems to just sit at the bottom of the tank more than he swims. I bought him because I thought they were supposed to be active sharks. Where did u buy yours from, I'm looking for one more.


ve had a Leopard and a Nurse for almost 3 years and then they got to big and I donated them to Sea World in Ohio and got a Tax Write-off on them......


Daniel I tried keeping one before and he seemed to be doing well, he was alot bigger than the one I have now, but my AC broke and it was hot in the house and he died...


Pimp, my leopard is about 4 to 5 inches. Mine used to do that, but he just started to swim a lot more for some reason. My friends, same size, swims nonstop and even jumped out the other day. I ordered him off the internet. He was $149 and $74 for shipping. A friend of mine ordered a Port Jackson so we split the shipping. I got the fish the same day I ordered him. Airport to airport, same day.


New Member
Salfisher can you plese shoot me an E-mail, I would like to know where you ordered your leopard from, out of consideration for this website, i think it is better that you E-mail it to me.
Thanks a Bunch