feeding lionfish live food


i know that feeding goldfish to lionfish is bad for their health because of their fat content, but i know that guppies can be converted to saltwater but does that change the health benefits?
try to give them silver sides, give them frozen foods because it makes them alitlle less aggressive when you feed them live they will sooner or later go after the other fish if can be swallowed ,plus it is cool to feed your lion by hand :rolleyes:


Whether you feed him guppies, goldfish, mollies or platies, the results will be the same. They are ALL bad for the health of your lion. It really is best for him to switch to a frozen diet, and it's very easy to do so. Get yourself some live ghost shrimp. (If you must feed your lion live food, these guys are the better way to go, especially if they have been gut loaded with a HUFA product). Also get some frozen silversides and thaw a few pieces out. Then take a live ghost shrimp and put it in the lions tank. After he eats it, take another ghost shrimp, but hold onto this one, either by hand, with tweezers, chopsticks, whatever. As soon as he eats that, offer him a silverside and watch how quickly he takes it! If you do this, everytime you feed him, and gradually reduce the live shrimp and increase the silversides, he will eventually eat anything that you offer him.
(My lion for some reason tho, won't touch squid(?))
And no, we don't............


I weaned mine off in less than 5 days! I bought the lion, and when it didn't eat, I bought 20 ghost shrimp for a buck. He just devoured them. The next time I went to my lfs, I bought some Mysis shrimp, and He loves them. And occasional(once a month) live feedings are ok, just as long as they aren't the staple of its diet.


New Member
Well I've had my lion for a week now and he still won't eat. He has only ate once since I had him and that was a goldfish. My lfs (there is only one around here) doesn't sell mysis or ghost shrimp. I'm even sure what they look like. I'm going to try another type of frozen food.


Ghost shrimp are also sometimes called glass shrimp.....they are freshwater animals and if your LFS doesn't know what they are, it's not much of an LFS. Try calling around to different stores, I'm sure that there is at least one store in your area that will carry them.
Remember too, that when the lion is full, he will not eat (or at least he will not be as interested) so make sure that he is good and hungry before trying the frozen food thing.


New Member
I've seen a few ads in catalogs for products that allow you to hatch live brine shrimp. Has anyone tried these? Are they any good for the health of a lionfish?


Live brine shrimp are fine as far as nutrition goes. The thing is that they are small, even though a small lionfish will eat them, they certainly won't fill him up. My lion eats the copepods that are on the rocks, but I wouldn't rely on such a small food to maintain him. And feeding brine shrimp really won't help you to switch him over to frozen foods. Sorry.......