feeding my eel?

gsw the future

New Member
ive had an eel that a guy gave me with his tank and just bought some brine shrimp for it , the brine shrimp comes in big squares . my question is should i give the eel the square of brine shrimp or cut it into a small piece , and how many times should i feed it . the guy that sold me the tank told me to just use a stick to put it in front of his face with the brine shrimp, do i need to do that or can i just dump it inn?


New Member
What knd of eel is it, and how big is it? Some eels require different care than others. i am no expert by any means, but with more info. maybe somebody can give you a better answer. Good luck with your new eel.


Most eels do need to be target fed with the stick. Brine is very small. Use krill or silver sides. Soak it in garlic to entice him if he won't eat.