First of all, it is very important that there is no competitive tankmates in the tank during the acclimation process. I've had two dwarf lions in my life, and both of them died from starvation within a few weeks because I wasn't willing to provide them with live food. Anyway, I got another a healthy 3"-long dwarf lion two weeks ago. First I let him adapt to a new environment for two days, and then I started feeding him 2 minnows a day. I had to make sure he's in good health before my trying to wean him off live food. After 4 days, I stopped feeding him, and he was going crazy, asking me for more food whenever I was walking past the tank. I was tempted, but I waited 2 more days. On the third day, I decided to start my new feeding regimen. So I dropped a small piece of thawed shrimp, and as soon as it hit the water surface, he swam right up at the speed of light, and gulped it down. That's what I call a miracle. I think I was lucky because many of dwarf lions for sale have been beaten up pretty badly while being transported, and luckily mine wasn't one of them. Anyway, you can try my method and see if it works. Good luck.