Feeding my Tang


Active Member
sweet pic. i notice the 2 maroon clowns. i have one and want toget another for him. do u have any advice on how to do this?


Active Member
bump. i would like to add another maroon with mine... what approach did u take to add them and get them to be peacefull with eachother? and if they fight should i take one out


IMO, and a number of leaders in the field, it is bettter to add one that is considerably smaller than the original.
I have a little screen specimen box(about 5"x4"x4"), that I put the smaller clown into, then just capped it and placed it as close the the BTA as I could so the Bigger one would get use to it. I left it there with the lights off for about 4 hours and then released the smaller one. He went to the BTA and the Larger one took right after him and he swam away. THe littler one just kept swimming around and the bigger one finally after about 2 days accepted him and now they are a mated pair. I didnt re-arrange any rock although I was told that it isa good idea to do it so that it makes the origianl clown have to find new territory, but I had a BTA so didnt matter where I moved stuff she was going back tothe BTA.
Reason why to get a smaller one is...if one clownfish is in an enviroment it will become a female, if you place a bigger one in there you may end up with 2 females anf then 1 dead fish. By placing a Considerable smaller one in you have a VERY higher chance of mating as the smaller one might not have started to change to a female.
Below is a picture of the female claiming dominace.


Active Member
:) i have 1 in my 20g thats about the size of ur male. how long should i wait to get another? untill hes grown?


Our yellow tang, sailfin tang, powder blue tang, and our orange shoulder tang all eat krill(yes, krill. Stealing food) out of our hands when we feed our eels.


Active Member
would 2 maroons in a 20g tank be too much bioload? thats all i want.. i can hook up a seaclone 150 if i need to but it makes alot of bubbles and the powerhead keeps getting undun


Active Member
i have a biowheel hang on back and powerhead. i can hook the seaclone but its load, doesnt create that much foam, and sometimes the powerhead for it comes undun to the toob and it sprays everywhere


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i have alot of copepods all over my glass and there starting to annoy me, and there multiplying like rats. i also see some hair algae growing on my LR. what should i do to get rid of the pods.


Active Member
i dont necessarily wont to get rid of them, just something that will eat them. or should i wait for them to multiply


Active Member
i just upgraded my lights 2 weeks ago. my tank has been up and running for 9 months. will i ever be able to get a pod eating fish if i let them multiply


Active Member
i dont feed frozen foods. i might be interested in a LMB becuase im started to grow some hair algae but i heard he would starve. do plate corals take alot of light? if they dont i might get one to try and get my maroon to host it