Feeding my tang?


I recently got a yellow tang. All he does is go behind my rockwork because im guessing hes scared and adapting to the tank. everytime you make a move or stand by my tank it doesnt really come out. when i go to feed them, my fat clown fish goes nuts and eats the food by anything else. should i just wait and see if he adapts better? they are algea eaters too so maybe hel eat algea during the ngiht or somehting i dunno.
please help me out if you have a tang. thanks :happyfish

who dey

Active Member
buy some sally's seaweed salad or any kind of algae sheet and clip it to the glass for grazing. give the tang some time he should adapt. try feeding frozen mysis shrimp soaked with garlic. good quality source of protein :joy:


Thanks, ya ive seen peple having algea clips on the side on the tank I cant wait till he comes out and starts swimmin hes beautiful


New Member
I have a yellow tang & a lavender tang....my yellow tang is a very shy eater. He usually stays in one corner of my tank so that is where I put his clip with seaweed. He will chew on the seaweed very little with the lights on....but when I turn the lights off he will consume it rather quickly. Every once in awhile I will put a frozen cube of seaweed in the tank & he will eat some of that...but it is messier and a higher chance that you are putting food in your tank that will not be consumed. Yellow tangs must be picky eaters because my lavender tang eats anything as fast as it can. I suggest a clip w/seaweed so the y.t. can eat when it is comfortable. :yes: