feeding of yellow tang


Hi, I just wanted to know what all of you others feed your yellow tangs and also want to know what is good for my yellow tang.
currently, I only feed my yellow tang lettuce and it also grazes on algae on the glass.
You probly shouldn't feed your tang any lettece its not to good for him but if you want to feed him some living algae I suggest some macro algae or some seaweed selects I had a purple tang that just loved it and seeing as yellow tangs and purple tangs are pretty simular I would say that he should like it too.


Since I started feeding my tang and herbivores Nori (dried Sushi seaweed) they don't much care for Seaweed Selects anymore
And it's much cheaper than SS. Can get it at grocery stores or Asian markets.
I also feed San Francisco brand Spirulina enriched brine shrimp and Emerald Entree, and Mysis shrimp.
I also agree that feeding it lettuce is a bad idea. No Nutrional Value!
[ July 21, 2001: Message edited by: Amphiprion ]


two things,
when you give them seaweed, do you guys ever have problems where they scatter the seaweed all over the tank and you have to pick up all the small pieces?
if you feed them brine shrimps, do you just dump little amount in the water and let them float around?
thanks again for taking your time to read my post ;)


As was stated before, they need alot of green stuff, forumla two, spirulina flakes, mysis shrimp you can soak it in zoe. Good Luck


I agree with GUPPIE. Zoe is some awesome stuff. I have two hippo tangs and feed them brine shrimp, algae, bloodworms, krill, pretty much anything. I soak it all in zoe. Just as long as you get them a good varied diet w/ a lot of green stuff, you should be fine.


I have a blue hippo and a sailfin tang and they eat what everyone else is eating, but I make sure to soak all food in zoe.
Formula 2 is good (a little rubbery) but they seem to really dig it! Seaweed selects is also a great choice, but my triggers manage to get to that pretty quickly.


Active Member
When feeding the seaweed use small folded pieces. I like to soak it in zoe or tank water until it is very soft. Then fold it so only a small amount is sticking out of the clip so they can only take small pieces and being it is already soft small tears will happen. Yes, just dump in small amounts os unfrozen brine.