Feeding polyps etc


Active Member
I know they ake a liquid feed for this, or some folks use bits and pieces of fish etc, but the other day I just happened to see a feed pellet land un noticed by the fish during feediing onto a green eyed polyp. It imediately curled up closed. I would not have thought they would eat the pellets, but after watching it carefully, it opened back up and pellet was gone. Cool.....I got a loong handled tweezers and attempted to drop more pellets on other polyps....pretty hard to do, but the ones I managed to drop a pellet of feed on imediately closed up, consumed it and opened back up. It lead me to come up with a means of being able to drop pellets selectivly onto polyps etc.......so I came up with a pretty easy to make fool proof gadget.
Its esentially a hypodermic syringe and a piece of hard ridgid air line tube of 3/16" diameter, and a PVC hot air welding rod. The welding rod fits inside the 3/16" air line tube just right. The end of the hypodermic syringe is drilled out to allow the approximately 1/8" diam PVC welding rod to slide through it easily. The rubber plunger is removed off hypo plunger and the end is drilled to fit the PVC welding rod. I used Marine goop to stick the PVC rod into the end of the plunger, and used heat shrink tube to join the end of the air line tube to the hypodermic syringe. All you have to do is slip the plunger with attached PVC rod into syringe, just enough to h old in place. Turn the entire syringe upside down and put individual pellets into the open end of the air line tube. You can put about a 2" stack of pellets into the airline tube if you use a typical 2 1/2 - 3 cc syringe. Dip finger in water and touch end of airline tube, and it wicks off finger and provides enought "stickion" to hold pellets in the tube. Then you can position the end of air line tube over the polyp or other critter nd depress slightly, and out drops as many pellets as you decide to drop by depressing the pluger slightly.....then move on to the next one. Wooks good, and mine has an over all depth of approximately 12 inches, which is sufficient to reach just about all my stuff I can selectively feed, and not have the fish and shrimps get to it first.
I tried it by pushing the air line tube down on some frozen food the LFS here makes and sells and loaded the airlines tube up, and it worked well with the mushy feed, and also krill. I like feeding those critters more than the fish anymore a they are pretty neat when they eat....


Active Member
Yep, sure is amazing some things people come up with...I just finished playing around and actually got each and every mushroom and ricordea to actually take in and eat a few pellets.....They have all been doing super without, and just what they get otherwise, but I think now I will start to feed them individually maybe one or two times a week...At least with spot feeding each you can actually see them get something, unlike those supplements where its a hit, miss or skip afair.