Feeding Porc. Puffer Rosie Reds

I just bought a Porc. Puffer. I have been feeding him krill and some shrimp. I want to do the whole feeder thing, but are rosie reds bad for him?


they can be. Those feeders are not well cared for and mass breed in natural pond environments. which there is nothing wrong with that (pond enviroment), but that means that they can very easily carry parasites that can make your puffer sick.
If you really want to try the feeder thing. Just give it a couple rosies once a week or even better set up a 10g fresh and breed guppies. althought its not as easy as it sounds at least you know that the guppies are free of parasites and you can gut load them with what ever you like. fish food that is!
Thanks Jaymz. I have a 10 gallon right now, so should I start out with like 10 guppies and just let them reproduce for a few months? I'm new to the breeding and culturing thing, but I want to try and culture copepods also.


No problem
I used to breed guppies to feed my cichlids. It seemed more difficult and time consuming than my salt tanks. but probably not. But it did seem like a lot of work to raise fish that I was just going to feed out. Yet it is that knowing the fish you are feeding out are healthy and nutritionaly benifical. And in the long run if you are successful it will save you some money in gas and fish.


Originally Posted by AquariumRookie
Thanks Jaymz. I have a 10 gallon right now, so should I start out with like 10 guppies and just let them reproduce for a few months? I'm new to the breeding and culturing thing, but I want to try and culture copepods also.
Sorry i didnt notice the question

Um not quite 10 for breeding. But maybe buy that many and feed one out every week. I would only get maybe 5 to start 3 males 2 females.
And do some research on guppy breeding. Make sure there are plenty of good dark hiding spots for the prego females and the babies. the males will harass the females to mate again and again even tho she is already pregnant.
Maybe look in to a breeder net for your about to pop females. then when she gives birth get her out of the breeder net and raise the fry in the net.
Good deal man. I have already have a breeder net so sounds like i'll be set. Like you said, its better to know where the fish are coming from and having the peace of mind that there aren't any parasites in the water.


Active Member
Isn't it bad to feed FW fish to SW fish? (I don't actually know why - I've just read it about a million times here)


Originally Posted by Keri
Isn't it bad to feed FW fish to SW fish? (I don't actually know why - I've just read it about a million times here)
Yes, it is. Feeding saltwater fish any fresh water feeder fish can cause fatty liver disease. This is fatty deposits on their liver and other organs which can cause failure and kill the fish. Feed your puffer frozen silver sides, scallops, krill, etc.


Originally Posted by Jaymz
they can be. Those feeders are not well cared for and mass breed in natural pond environments. which there is nothing wrong with that (pond enviroment), but that means that they can very easily carry parasites that can make your puffer sick.
freshwater feeders can't pass freshwater parasites to saltwater fish. as sep said, fw feeders are not a suitable diet.