Feeding procedure


Hey all! I am new at saltwater aquarium and I have an 80g tank with live rock, cleaner inverts, and three blue chromis. I just got the blue chromis and I would like to know what is the best way to feed them? (i.e., turn off water pumps, crumble flakes, let them float or sink them, etc.) Thanks!:confused:


First of all, Welcome to SWF.com! This is a really great board, so enjoy it!
Okay, now on to answer your question. Leave everything on as normal, unless the surface if the water is really
turbulent. If it is, I would suggest maybe moving your powerheads. There's really no need to do anything special when feeding most fish, chromis especially. Don't bother crumbling the flakes, either. (At least I don't)


one helpful hint if your tank has an overflow is to put the flake food into a small cup (I use a large shot glass) of tank water first so it's water logged. This way the flake food won't hit the surface of the water, float and immediately head straight to the overflow and go to the sump.


New Member
I bought a little blue feeding ring "thingy" to hold the food in one area on the surface of the water--cuts way, way down on the amount of food that floats across the tank & into my overflow. Works for both flake and small pellet food that doesn't sink right away & only cost about $4. It's a blue floating ring about 3" across, attached to a little pivoting arm with a suction cup on the end. Have also seen in the stores a small rectanglar floater thing but it free-floats on the surface of the water (not attached to the side, like mine does with the suction cup arm).
Whenever my blue-green chromis see me, they go hang out by the blue ring, hoping it's feeding time!! :D