Feeding question?


New Member
OK I just bought me first fish ever and I bought it from this site. The fish is a Purple Tang. My question is how much do I feed it. I bought some frozen Brine Shrimp. I have been cutting off a section about 1/4 inch square per day. Is that enough? It always looks hungry. I dont' want to over feed, so any help would be great.


get a clip and put in some natural dried seaweeds brown marine algae. this fish will eat at it and eat at it they love this stuff. Made by ocean nutritions


Active Member
Tangs are mostly vegetarians and will graze all day long if provided with sea veggies (macroalgaes/seaweed). If you don't have fresh sea veggies available, try unflavored nori sheets from an oriental grocery store near you.


New Member
Brine does not have much nutritional value. I do agree that the seaweed from the lfs or nori will be more in line with a tang's diet. I do recommend you buy the frozen cubes for omnivorous fish. These should be available at your lfs. Where I live, I can buy nori at our local supermarket (near the sushi area). It comes in sheets. My tangs love it! an it is much less in price than the ones at the lfs.


Active Member
Around here you can get those kinds of things at the grocery store, but your money goes farther at the oriental grocery. They're not specialty items at the oriental store.


BMW545 check out my thread called "feeding fish" i have a very happy and fat tang and that is the method i use to feed her among other stuff i use like seaweed selects on the clip.