Active Member
i have a 30g tank up for nearly a year now...i have two clowns, three damn damsels which i mistakingly put in during my cycle and have not been able to get them out, a cleaner shrimp,bubble tip anemone and a bunch of hermits and a few snails and other things which don't eat meaty question is...i feed my fish and anemone and such two cubes of frozen food every two or three of the cubes i put directly into the anemone and the rest for the fish and i hand feed the shrimp a pinch...i have had nothing die except for a sabae anemone buti think that was on its way out when i got do you guys feel about my feeding? my friends tell me i have starving my fish but i am afraid of feeding too much cause due to all my lr i have had to return three protien skimmers cause they just won't fit....