feeding question


Active Member
i have a 30g tank up for nearly a year now...i have two clowns, three damn damsels which i mistakingly put in during my cycle and have not been able to get them out, a cleaner shrimp,bubble tip anemone and a bunch of hermits and a few snails and other things which don't eat meaty foods...my question is...i feed my fish and anemone and such two cubes of frozen food every two or three days...one of the cubes i put directly into the anemone and the rest for the fish and i hand feed the shrimp a pinch...i have had nothing die except for a sabae anemone buti think that was on its way out when i got it....how do you guys feel about my feeding? my friends tell me i have starving my fish but i am afraid of feeding too much cause due to all my lr i have had to return three protien skimmers cause they just won't fit....


Active Member
i rotate between scallops,mysis shrimp, and clams...also i feed my coral on the same pattern with a mix of microvert,zooplex,chromaplex,and coral accel


Many of us have a tendency to overfeed because we love to watch our fish eat-and they always LOOK hungry!
Your variety seems adequate and the fact that your fish have survived for a year seems to attest to the fact that you are not starving them.
If you cant catch your damsels using a couple of nets, herding them with one into the other, then you might try one of the fish traps. They work great!
Or, try this
If your fish are used to running up and feeding when you add food, next time you feed, just place the food into a net in the tank. Usually fish that have been in the tank awhile are not too net leary and will go right into the net to feed. You might leave it in there for a day, feed in the net, leave it then the next day feed again in the net and see if you cant catch those damsels. I have been successful at catching many fish this way and I have a 75 with 100+ lbs of rocks and assorter inverts.


Active Member
yeah i have tried almost everything from traps to tiny fish hooks...they are just too clever...i will try the feeding in net thing....heres hoping!!! thanks!


chad im in the same prob with the damsels. i have like 5. totall mistake. i mean they were fine with me for the first year but there not the most eliqute fish. my prob isnt catching them, its what i do with them after i catch them? :mad: I cant kill them or flush um. thats just in human and its not like i dont like them. i couldnt stand to see them die...
although if they just HAPPENED to die it wouldnt be so bad. lol :hilarious


i had to take all the rock out to catch my damsels... maybe i'm missing something, but if you are worried about the fish not getting enough food you could feed flake occasionally with less of a chance of raising nitrates