feeding question


How do i know if my Lawnmower Blenni and banded gobie have enough to eat. i don't want to wait untill they are skinny. They sure have done a great job cleaning up the tank. How much is enough
I am feeding some pellet, mysis, and formula 2 frozen, and i add a 2 x 2 sheet of algea 2 x a week. is this enough?


i would think it would be, and you could always start your own alge farm a bubby of mine dose this for his LMB and hair alge grows crazy under the right water paramaters and he changes hairy rocks out about 2 times a week


Green algea grows on the inflows from the bio wheel can i take it off of there? is that ok to eat?
Yea just tear up and shake up the algae so the spores can spread around the tank and hair algae should gro. and i heard if you dose your tank with vodka itll grow fast