Feeding question.


How often do you all feed? I feed once a day, I slowly add food little by little. I make sure it all gets eaten before I put more in.
I have a small clown gobie, perc clown, orange spot blennie, and firefish.
Do you think they'd do ok on an every other day schedule? I don't have an algae problem. Just wondering what everyone does.

nm reef

Active Member
I feed the reef and my fish only systems on alternating days....reef on even numbered days and fish only on odd numbered days. The reef gets a bit more in quantity...especially when I direct feed the corals. :cool:


New Member
sounds insane but a very experienced local dealers has a reef tank and he just flat out does not feed his fish ever.. the fish
live off the organic material off the rocks, the algea etc.
Personally I feed only about once a week, my fish are all very fat and healthly because there is a ton of live plants, algea, and little critters all over the tank that they all feed off of on a daily basis..
Feeding often just pollutes the water.... but hey thats just my
opinion =)


I think I'll move to feeding every other day. Now, do you guys just put food in there and not pay attention to how much they eat or is it measured?
I'm worried about the blennie. I don't have any algae and I don't want him to starve.


New Member
a well esatblished reef tank you can easily get away with
feeding once a week. Depending on what kind of fish you
have you can get away with doing it a lot less too.
Generally you can feed them whatever they can eat in
about a 2 minute span. Leave no uneating food in the tank.
People who feed every day wonder why their fish seem to
kick the bucket and get diseases........


Active Member
I feed flakes every other day, and give a nice meaty treat once a week in addition to the regular feedings.


Active Member
I feed everyday but I feed only enough food to be consumed within ten seconds.


I guess that I am really over feeding as I feed twice a day about a 1/2 ice cube size each time (home made food) The food gets eaten within a 5 min period. Uneaten food makes it to the bottom for the cleanup crew. I am battaling algae (red) alot. However the boxfish needs this much food as he is always hunting for left overs during the day and I don't want to starve the hermits & starfish and have the eating each other. Do you guys thing I should just feed 1/2 cube once per day?


I feed my fish twice a day also(formula 1, spirulina flakes, and live brine shrimp.) I like to keep my fish nice and fat, since thats how most of em are in the wild. My tank had been running for 8 months with 0 nitrates and 0 phosphates, till I recently started it over due to a stupid mistake awhile back(i used tap water and copper in the tank!)


I feed most of my tanks twice a day, with the exception of my 90gal FOWLR housing my puffer, I feed 3 times/day. Many people feed the once every 3 days, as is required for your fish to survive. I feed the 2-3 times/day recommended for your fish to grow large and healthy.