Feeding recovering candy corals


Active Member
I had a red slime problem not too long ago. Still haven't found the cause, but it was starting to really hurt my corals, specifically my candy corals, so I had to buy the chemical to at least temporarily releive them.
So, red slime is gone... now I'm left with some not so great looking candy corals as well as my others that are doing fine. They aren't sticking their feeders out at night at all, any idea on how to feed them with a turkey baster or anything to help them perk back up? I think they are on the upswing, but can't tell for certain.


I don't know really anything about anemones but I been told there very easy and theres no way to kill em' but somehow I managed to do so.... I think it's my light? I don't have a full spectrum light but I was told I didn't have to with this certain one but I'm getting one here soon do you have any tips for me what did I do wrong,


Active Member
We have our candy under mh's and pc's. We suppliment w/ phytoplex and microvert and have not yet had to hand feed them even though we prolly should. Try a mixture of vitamin enriched brine and mysis and squirt them into their mouths(if they are open)


Active Member
Well, I got some brine/cyclop eeze/various frozen foods I can spot feed them with a turkey baster, but they haven't opened up. I was wondering if there was any way to give them a jump start to get them to open or anything of the sort. I have tried leaving my DIY moonlights (good project by the way) on or off, either way they are still staying closed. I figure they will open eventually, but wanted to see if there was anything I could do to help them out a bit just incase.


Have u tried to feed them at night or when do u feed them, where do u have them up high or in ur sandbed. Whats ur flow on them right now.


Active Member
I actually have 4 different chunks of them. All 4 are located at various depths and flow rates. They aren't opening at night yet, still a bit beat from the red slime invasion. Before they would be open the moment my moonlights came on in place of my normal lights... now they aren't open at all. Any way to get them to open up to spot feed or get some nutrious food in them easily?