Feeding Scooter Blennys


If Any of ya'll have a scotter blenny, I was hoping you could give me some insight on what to feed this fish. I have only L/S, and I have tried feeding him frozen Mysis shrimp. I only have one other fish in with right now, which is a Blue Damsel and I know he is not stealing his food. Just trying to get some insight here, I really don't want to starve the little guy if I could prevent it.


Hi. I am lucky in that my scooter blennie loves to eat. The secret is to get the food right down to it so that the other fish can't steal it as easily. As I am sure you've noticed they are pretty slow non agressive feeders. Some people have had luck with a turkey baster. I work at a hospital so I was able to "borrow" a rubber tube called a catheter and attach a big syringe to it. I just load the syringe up with some food and slowly put one piece of food at a time in front of her so she can pick it off as she needs. When my blennie sees the tube she heads right to it because she knows it's dinner time. I'm sure you can jimmy rig something with any old plastic tubing, maybe air line tubing from the pet store. In addition to brine and mysis shrimp you can also try frozen bloodworms. My belennie goes ape for them. Hope this helps. ;)
[ October 28, 2001: Message edited by: c2rn ]

car guy

most scooters die in small tanks with not much lr, large tanks can usually house these little critters if they have massive amounts of lr, more than 150lbs. so they cant't eat all they pods before more grow