feeding SPS.



really? LFS specifically approved the use of lava rock over bioballs, b/c lava has the inner holes where anaerobic bateria can live during the "dry" part of the wet/dry drip, the idea being to gobble nitrates, plus the system came with lava rock and the guy who had it before said the lava rock was in it before he got it as well. So apparently, this tank must be absolutely chocj full of heavy metals.
I'll start a thread to see what the general consensus is. Will be in "new to hobby" section.


results of water tests tonight:
Ammonia and nitrites = 0
Nitrates = 40
pH 8.2
no change from last test 2 weeks ago.


My 75g is just about 8 months old and I was thinking of getting some monti cap. I see everyone mentioning to just let your sps feed off of the fish poo. So if you have a ton of sps and a few fish and a skimmer how does this work?
I only have 3 fish a 6" Blue jaw trig, and a small tomato clown and goldhead sleeper goby.
Would this be enough fish waste for some sps? I only skim about 20-30 hours a week anyway.
How does sps survive in a frag tank with no fish?

Sorry im new to the idea of sps and i see all of you heavily skim and filter with a sump or fuge and have sps. I just see a conflict there


Active Member
buy more live rock, cure it in a separate bin with a heater and powerhead.
the guy who sold you the tank most likely got out of the hobby because he kept killing corals.
sps can survive in a tank with no fish. the water just has to be fortified with food.
jaymz- i think you should skim 24/7 and i would not be afraid to try sps in your system.