Feeding the brittlestar


how often and how much should I be feeding one green brittle star? about 5" radius. I have flake, spirulina wafers and freeze dried krill. I have rigged a feeding rod to hand feed the krill. Also in the tank I have 2 damsels and a coral banded shrimp and I want to keep the brittlestar from getting a hold of him.


Active Member
I doubt he could get the damsels. They can usually find enough in most tanks to satisfy their appetite, But if your worried about it you could you might feed him just a little something about once a week maybe twice, to supplement their diet.


I feed mysis shrimp to my serpent star, but I have to put it right in front of his face! He loves it though!


i feed my brittle star pretty much the way you described. i have a feeding stick that i put krill on and stick it down there to the star. mine will move quick for it though, will move all the way across the tank to get it!
How often? i just watch mine. i have had it for a while and can tell when it needs to be fed. the star will scavenge and eat things in the tank, i just watch the disc and feed it when it gets thin. it has worked for me. i have had it for 10 months.


thank you all for the imput. I have a feeling I am overfeeding the tank. My CBS can probably also get all he needs by rummaging around the LR and any of the flake my damsels ignore. I figure 2-4 hand fed krill a week should be a good supplement for the Brittlestar. No more daily feedings just to see him move . . . but it sure looks cool when he does. Thanks again.


I have a Serpent Star, but only see him at night with a flashlight, are your stars out during the day where you can feed them like that?


I have a green brittle star, and that thing eats everything it can get a hold of... including my maroon clownfish.... be aware of stuff like that... I also feed my pufferfish goldfish, but go through so much, because my brittle star gets to it sometimes before the puffer and eats it... is that okay????


I have only a 30 gal and I am lucky enough that the star has chosen a little see-thru cave as his home so I can see him all the time. Otherwise the tank is in my office so I only get to observe during the day. He only comes out when I dangle some krill in front of him but it is worth watching. Complete sci-fi creature. My CBS, on the other hand, is a total scairdy-cat. Hides in the back under a rock. I never see him. only his antenii. I also just added a feather duster. Hope he gets along with everyone. I will let you know

sinner's girl

our brittle comes out but as much as the serpent is always out.
Once a week or so he gets about 1/3 a salad shrimp (we buy about 7 from wal-mart at a time). (1/3 goes to the ot'her star, 1/3 to the shrimp and hermits).
He'll sometimes comes out when i feed the clowns (when he comes out i'll normaly feed him shrimp if i have time). I've feed him brine shrimp, flakes, and also blood worms.