Feeding the fish


Since overfeeding seems to be a common source of problems (and underfeeding must be worst) I am wondering if there is a way to judge whether I am feeding my fish too much or too little. I am especially concerned with underfeeding - I do test my water regularly for Nitrates and Phosphates for indications of possible overfeeding. My little fish seem to be the worst indicator for overfeeding (they're always hungry). I do look at them to see how healthy they look but being new to this I'm not sure I'd recognize an underfed clownfish or Royal Gramma.
I am currently feeding them twice a day and slowly put in food trying to limit the amount that gets wasted. The amount is about what they can eat in a 2 minute period.
Any insights are welcome.


Active Member
I feed my fish once a day, i feel this is plenty. If i notice phosphate rising i cut back to feeding every other day. I feed nori every day (on a clip) and alternate feedings of brine shrimp, formula one, formula two, sprulina flakes once a day. I add kents Zoe vitamins to most foods for additional nutrition. Also, feed my lps corals once a week eighter silversides or formula one. This is what i do for a feeding schedule. It sounds like your feeding schedule also will work fine. What are you feeding?
My fish always look hungry too. I think its natural for them to alwys be looking for food, thats what they do in the wild. HTH


I alternate formula one formula one,formula two, spirulina flakes and Nutrafin's Marine Complete.


in the wild your fish would try to feed all day and be very dissapointed. most species feed only a few times a week. and alot of predators feed less than that more like once every ten days. like my predator tank i feed once every four days and they know when its the fourth day because they start cruising the top of the tank waiting for the food guy.

nm reef

Active Member
I feed with a large assortment of frozen/fresh/flake foods......both my reef and my fish only get a heavy feeding on even numbered days and I direct feed my corals about once a week.

don berry

I personaly believe that you should only feed your tank every other day. I think feeding twice a day is excessive and will only lead to nitrate problems.
use my homemade stuff now(squid, mussel, clam, seafood and garlic all blended with water and frozen in flats) i feed whatever they ca eats in 3-5 minutes and i feen my shrooms a dead guppy once every 2 weeks or so and my corals phytoplex.