

New Member
I have two question
1 is i have a coral beauty , longnose hawkfish and a yellow tail damsel, what kind of fish food would you recomend feeding them.
2. i am also going to get a yellow tang and two six line wrasse
all of this is in a 30 gal. is this going to be too much or will it be ok.


Active Member
Originally Posted by albrosm
I have two question
1 is i have a coral beauty , longnose hawkfish and a yellow tail damsel, what kind of fish food would you recomend feeding them.
2. i am also going to get a yellow tang and two six line wrasse
all of this is in a 30 gal. is this going to be too much or will it be ok.
The bearer of bad news I'm afraid. Yellow tang and the 6 line cannot go in the 30. As for the 3 fish in there now, I think you are at about max already. Did you add all 3 at the same time? How long has your tank been set up?


New Member
it been up now for about 6 months and i added one at about 2 months the the other about 3 1/2 and just added the coral beauty at 6.


New Member
anyone have any ideas of what to feed them right now all i feed them is pelets and brine shrimp. want to try some thing different, also the way is sounds is this is all the fish i can add. i thought if that you can add up the inches of the fish length in total and that is how many you can put in the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by albrosm
I have two question
1 is i have a coral beauty , longnose hawkfish and a yellow tail damsel, what kind of fish food would you recomend feeding them.
2. i am also going to get a yellow tang and two six line wrasse
all of this is in a 30 gal. is this going to be too much or will it be ok.
wo wo wo
hold up there
bring those fish back and get smaller ones if you want a lot of fish...
i did the same thing starting out...
i ruined my tank for about a year


First thing to consider: For a fish only tank (if you want inverts or anything else like that that require very pristine water conditions this rule doesn't apply) the rule of thumb is one inch of fish per gallon of water but you have to consider how large the fish will get when full grown. For example, say I put three 2 inch baby yellow tangs in a 10 gallon...seems like that would fit the rule, 6 inches of fish in 10 gallons of water. But you have to consider that they will grow! What do yellow tangs grow to? About 10 inches, maybe a bit less? So when they grow they're going to outgrow the one inch/gallon rule.
Second thing to consider: The habits of the fish. Going back to the yellow tang example, tangs are fairly active swimmers that need a pretty good bit of room to move. So if I only put even one of those tangs in a 10 gallon if he grows to 10 inches he still fits the rule but he still wouldn't have enough room to swim around as he likes. He would be miserable and I wouldn't doubt stressed enough to develop something and die.


New Member
I Have A Coral Beauty And A Hawkfish........the Coral Guy Will Eat Flake Food And Brine Shrimp, But You Can Only Feed The Hawkfish Brine Or Other Meaty Food.......also, Put A Couple Of Drops Of Garlic Into Teir Food.........as For Stocking Your Tank, Like The Others Said, You Will Way Overcrowd That Tank.....i Am Starting Another 45 Gal. Tank And I Am Only Going To Put 5 Fish Tops, Maybe 6 Depending On What I Get, But They Are Going To Be Smaller Fish.....anybody Out There Will Say The Same Thing

you Will Have Far Less Problems By Not Overcrowding......good Luck..