

I would like someone with a lot of experience to tell me there idea of good feeding habbits. Currently I feed every other day. I have heard that it may be better to feed half as much twice as often. Is this true. ( i am talking basic fish, not anemone's etc.)


This is an interesting topic and I had recently read an article in one of the magazines that points out that fish, in the ocean, pretty much eat a little bit all day long. But since that is not possible for us, due to water conditions, that the fish will actually adapt to your feeding schedule. So I do not think there is a wrong way (except of course, overfeeding) just as long as your consistant.
Lemme see if I can't dig up that magazine...


Says in the wild a damsel sized fish will eat one food item weighing .0008g (.00003 oz.) , every 3 minutes all day long.
By comparison a typical frozen cube weighs about 2.8 grams. Using the data mentioned, to feed your fish the same mass of food as would be eaten in nature, you must ensure that each damsel sized fish would eat about 70 percent of such cube per day.
But then it goes on to mention how difficult it would be to maintain optimum water conditions...
"Marine Fish and Reef, USA"
2005 annual pgs 4-14


Well, what would be best then for water conditions? Would it be easier on your system if there were smaller feedings more often? (resulting in less waste at once)
Thanks for the replies. I'm glad I got comments from people such as yourself. I place a lot of trust in people like bigarn and tizzo. ive seen them on the boards for a long time, and they would not give out information they were unsure of.
Thanks again, you guys are what makes this forum tick!