

I dont think that is a dumb ? , I need to know myself, Some of my fish they say 3x a day others, 1 or every other what is the best for everyone?


Active Member
There is absolutley no right answer. It depends on what fish you have and what is in your tank. I feed my fish once a day and only what they can eat in a couple of minutes. It is very easy to overfeed your fish because they are on a seefood diet, if they see food they will eat it. It would help if you listed what type of fish you have. For instance Lion fish will eat different than a tab.
Oh yeah, welcome to the boards!



IMO it is good to feed once a day and the amount should be what the fish it in 3 mins, but what i also liked in the past was feeding what they eat in 2 mins in morning and 2 mins in the afternoon. And think of the fish food as chicken, nobody wants to eat chicken every day of their life so dont feed the fish the same thing every day. Variety promotes healthy fish, active fish, and better colors.


Active Member
I feed about 5 times a day as much as they can consume in about 20 seconds. for most people once a day or every other day is average.