Feeling the "Dark Side" new pics


I have felt the Dark Side and fell to it's allure! I have introduced 2 Acropora's to my tank. The first a couple of weeks ago was a green table acro (frag for $15) hard to get good pic of it. And last week I went nuts and got a beautiful Acropora tenuis! My lfs guy sold it to me out of his show tank. Now before anyone flames me I know my tank is only 4 1/2 months old but I am severely anal about it. I test my water including Ca+ and Mg every other day. It has been rock stable with the use of Tropic Marin salt. I have not needed any additives including Ca+ yet. Any comments including criticism is welcome.
Here are some updated pics I hope you enjoy them!



Thanks NM I value your opinion, and truly admire your tank. Your Acro pics I think did the most to spur me on. Hopefully all goes well and I will monitor them closely.