Feelings on Antonio Davis


Active Member
Originally Posted by Zsalinas
Antonio Davis, who plays for the kicks, seen his wife and kid in the stands being threatened. He thought they were being threatened at least. So he jumped the scores table on a time out in over time to go confront the guy and protect his family. Antonio was ejected from the game and is suspended for 5 games by the league. Now the kid in the stands wants to sue Antonio for slander!
When you are a professional athlete you cannot go into the stands period. That is the job for security/police.
If the indiviidual was causing problems it is the job of security/police to handle.
Players going into stands can blow up much like it did last year. I thought the suspension should have been longer.


I heard an interview last night with the guy who filed the lawsuit. He said the million $ was taken out of context by the media and all he wants is an apology from Antonio Davis for a comment calling him a drunk. Apparently he never drinks at the games and took offense. He also said he want a small ( few thousand $) donation made by the Davis' to a charity of his choice.
As far as the suspension goes, I have no problem with it and I am sure Antonio Davis doesn't either. This was not an act of rage. It was thought out and he knew there would be consequences. The league has to let players know that going into the stands will not be allowed.