Female Anthias doesn't like new mate!


I've had a female orange Anthias for about a month now. I purchased a red male on Thursday and ever since, she's been chasing him all over the tank and leaving him cowering in a corner all day long. Other than putting him in my quarantine tank, what can I do to alleviate this?


leave the lights out for a few days if you can..
are they the same species? Im not to familiar with anthias'...


Well-Known Member
You've had a female Anthias alone with no other Anthias in the tank for a month? Chances are she's not fully female any more... And she views the new male as a rival now. Anthias can change from female to male if there are no males present. She may not look male yet, but there is a good chance she is genetically. If they don't sort their tiff out, your best bet will be to return the new male and try adding another female....two more, preferably.


I fully agree with Nova here.
I'm assuming these are Lyretail Anthias? Lyretails are some of the more aggressive Anthias and quickly begin to change sex when left alone. She's (who's now a male even though the colors don't fully show) will kill this new male. You're going to have to remove the new one. Try other females, but with lyretails, it's best to add them all together.


i had a lyretail in my tank by herself so over a year then i added a male and three more females. my female turned aggressive towards the male and grew a long fin on her head. now she is getting the spots on her fins as well. so im assuming she is turning male and will probably end up killing the male since she chases him around. i cant get the male out since the tank is big. the female i had was bigger than the new additions though. but it is neat to watch her change



Interesting. I can see this happening. Well the male didn't make it, he was too badly beat up. I guess the next one will have to be a female if this one has made the change. Thanks for all the input.
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Most do, but I've seen instances where if they're the only one, they don't fully change over. I had a trio that my friend now has and for about a year the dominant stayed in a half converted stage, but eventually changed completely to make coloring.


This was a dominant female that we had for over 8 years...she never fully changed, but there was no doubt as to her being dominant (she was terrorizing all the other lyretails in the LFS tank...had one so beaten down it was stuck to the O/F):

She/he was one of the best fish we've ever kept.


i really like mine too. mine wasnt mean until i threw in a male. she is the leader of the females though. the female follow her around