Female Aquarists?!


I have to admit I am really surprised when I realized the number of women who post threads on this site! I don’t know, maybe its just classical prejudices, but I would have completely expected it to be mostly male. I think it’s a great thing though; many other hobbies like video gaming and poker for example are very male dominated. Not that I think there's anything distinctly masculine about aquatics, and I guess there's no reason I should expect more men would be involved than women. Maybe its just most of the fish people I know are guys, and maybe its because my GF doesn't really care for fish lol. I don’t know. Any ways, my point is it pleasantly surprised me—I think it’s a great thing and it makes me feel more positive about a hobby which is more diverse and progressive than I realized. And the biggest plus: It’s a great way for fish dorks to meet socially!


On the other end, I a female, was very surprised at the number of male fish keepers. My husband sais fish should be eaten not raised. He in no way shape or form gets the fish thing no matter how hard I try. I am a newb so as I started speaking with others in this area I have found no other female saltwater keepers. I was very surprized.


Active Member
Well I am also female and I love it!! I am getting my hubby hooked. He acted as though he wasn't enthused at all, now on his idea we are going to install a wavemaker (something he gets to build and add..LOL), and he has picked 2 of the corals in the tank and a star fish. FUNNY how the tide changes.
I have to say that I was suprised about the number of women on this site as well. I too thought it would be mostly men.


i agree with you burnt jamaican... i thought there would be a lot of women in it, well because it's kinda feminine IMO... no offense meant to anyone... it's just, why would men (you know poker and cars...) be into fish? But after i got into the hobby and learned how difficult it is, it makes more sense to me now that there are a lot of men in the hobby... don't take that the wrong way, but how many guys do you see with a goldfish on their desk at work? lol


Active Member
I think what attracts a guy like me is (a) the fish are cool, and (b) the profusion of incredible gadgets, equipment, and money-spending opportunities is intoxicating.


Active Member
It is certainly a male dominated hobby, but I think more and more women are getting into it.
Message boards are just another outlet for us gabby women to talk more :joy: Maybe that is why you see a lot of women on message boards.


Exactly! We love gadgets. This hobby is full of those. Plus, it’s a hands-on hobby of mounting scale. Some people have small tanks, some have big tanks. Some people have little hang-on-back filters, some have massive systems that they dedicate a room of their house too. Sounds a lot like the difference between a 4 cylinder engine and an 8; Hemi and SRT. Instead of measuring in horsepower, we measure in watts. Instead of MPH, we've got GPH. See the parallels? Lol. In that sense it's very masculine. Guys will say they have beautiful and sexy cars, one could also say the same for fish.


I to thought that men would think this hobby to be sissy like. I don't think there is anything sissy about it but I still figured it to be more girls. I am shocked and more power to the guys. I think I may just change my name to burnt jamaican. I kind of like it!!


i don't know about refering to fish as sexy... they're pretty!!!


My dad to tell you the truth got me into it. He always took me to see the fish when i was younger and throughout college he kept telling me to be a marine biologist but i would rather just have my own tropical paradise to look at in my house. it is so relaxing to just look at them all swimming around and to see the new tghings that grow. I have a salt water a.k.a. marine aquarium and i love everything about it. I would recommend an aquarium to anyone who has a stressful job because when you see your tank all the worries go away plus my nephew loves to help me.


MY brother is real big in freshwater. I guess I never thought of guys being into it because my brother won't do it because he sais it is to much work and my husband beleives in eating fish not keeping them. I guess I am just around of bunch of lazy simple men all the time so that is what I thought all men's ideas were about it. I have to say sorry to all the men out there!!!!!!SORRY!!!


New Member
Another female here! Its my first time on the boards. I'm a newbie here and can't believe how helpful everyone is. I haven't had to ask a question yet, someone else usually beats me to it.
I started a 75 gal. in Sept. Had freshwater for years.


Active Member
there are sexy shrimp. my husband just looks at my tank and thinks money wasted. i used to live near tidepools so this reminds me of my teenage years