Female blue throat trigger pics


Would love to see some pics of your female blue throats. I am trying to decide between a male or female or both. Thanks


nice, what size tank is that? I have a 240 gallon mixed reef tank with the following stock list.
Hippo tang
sailfin tang
changing juvi Emperor angel
2 false percs
midas blenny
dusky wrasse
does anyone think I would be overstocked by adding a bluethroat pair?



thank you, I've lost a handfull of corals due to the Emperor Angel, but I can't seem to remove this spectacular fish.


i would say you should be fine, but your blennies and clowns maybe lunch someday down the road. my tank is a 135gallon and i have blue throat pink tail and clown trigger along with two clownfish jewel damsel and yellow tang and mag foxface. i do weekly water changes and feed them a good variety of food shrimp, squid, mysis shrimp krill and pellets.


thank you, well I just picked up a 4" female bluethroat today. I had to drive about an hour and a half but I just had to have one. Don't know if it matters where they are collected, but this trigger is from Hawaii and has been at the not so lfs since October. I will post pics once I get her acclimated. Her tail looks a little ragged, I didn't notice that initially.