female bluejaw trigger pics?


Active Member
I'm trying to find picutures of female bluejaw trigger. I'm thinking about adding one, but I want to get a few pictures to make sure I'm thinking of the right fish.
I've only found one picture (below) and I love the look of the female. If you have one, is this pic pretty accurate?


New Member
*********** has pictures of both male and female bluejaw triggers.
The picture you posted looks like a female. The male has yellow edege fins and the blue patch under its lower jaw (Bluejaw).
You can get a lot of info by searching under it's proper name Xanthichthys auromarginatus
I am thinking of getting one myself.


New Member
Bluejaws are becoming very popular and hard to find larger examples. The males are twice the price of females.


Keep in mind that the adult coloration doesn't always develope until 2"-3" long.......very young specimens of both sexes are identacle.