FEMALE carpentors flasher wrasse


i have a male carpentors flasher
does anybody have a picture of a female
I cant find a picture and i dont want a ugly fish in my tank


Active Member
Here's a link to the species at fishbase.org. http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/spec...ame=carpenteri
Now, I don't see a picture of the female there but they do have a short description of what she looks like. All the other literature I see just says the female's coloration is subdued compared to that of the male. That is to be expected though. I highly doubt the fish will be ugly. Even so, imo the less sought after fish are sometimes the ones you end up liking the most.
Good on ya


Active Member
This is from another web site...........
The Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse, also known as the Carpenter's Wrasse, or Redfin Flasher Wrasse, is orange with blue vertical stripes as a juvenile. As the fish matures and becomes an adult, the coloration becomes yellow with a series of broken blue horizontal stripes. The dorsal fin features three elongated rays and is red in color accented with yellows and blues. The colors of the adult males intensify when in courtship, whereas the females coloration and overall appearance are more subdued. The females also do not feature the large dorsal and anal fins.