Few easy questions.


I was given a 75 gallon reef tank about 3 weeks ago. Before I got it, it didnt have any lights on the coral for about a month due to a broken VHO ballast. Then I got it and set it up. I bought a new PC light. All my corals are very healthy looking but they seem to not be as colorful as I expected. Will they brighten up after more time with light or are they just not very colorful? A few other quick questions... How do I put in Kalkwasser? My sand is the WORST sand of all time. It is super fine mud like stuff and it just looks bad and clouds up the tank whenever anything touches it. Whats the best way to replace it with out having to take out all my rock and coral? I have a PC light that puts out 260w is that considered a good amount for most corals? Whats my limits with this light? Last question... I have a phosphate problem, does the phosphate sponge stuff work well? thanks! :happyfish


Active Member
well first are you sure your corals are still alive? Ive seen some dead corals and they dont have much color to them. How long has that tank been set up with water and everything in it?
Is the mud like stuff really mud? I had to change my gravel to sand and had to take out everything but the water. 260W of pc isnt that great over a 75 gallon. Assuming is the standard 75. You can probably kep mushrooms, frogspawns, and maybe a brain. There are more corals thats just a few. I would possibly think about upgrading to MH light if possible.
What type of corals do you have and what type of water are you using?


Active Member
does your water smell really bad?? just curious,,,corals going with out light for a month ,,,i dont believe thats good at all....when my electicity went out here i called my marine bioligiost that comes once a month to clean,,i asked him how long do i have before i need to start worring..he told me i have eight hrs,,i hope this helps ,,keep us posted....have a great day...


Well my coral are definatly alive and they are pretty healthy looking, I just exected my zoos and stuff to have a better "pop" under the lights. There kinda like a orangish brown with a little white center. Can I expect more color besides that? What chemical could give a better color?
The sand is would probably better be described as white mud w/ some chunks. Do you think I could get away with scooping as much out as possible and then slowly putting in some good sand? Like a 75/25 good to crap mix? :thinking:
Do you think that my lighting is strong enough for a long tentacle anenome? What would be the most colorful coral I can get for my lighting...and on a reasonable budget?


Im still debating rock work... the right side is mostly arranged.

what kinda coral is the brown stuff on the bottom right (kinda brown w/ white)



Active Member
from what i can see your tank looks awesome,,your corals look good too,,,, far as the brown stuff on the bottom i am not sure what to tell you,,,do you have a skimmer?? the coral on the right side bottom,,i have no clue,,, you could start a new thread and see if you could get some more responses on that.... i am fixen to get off here,,i am going to go watch the razorbacks play monroe lousiana....keep us posted on your progress...have a great night...
p.s..just give it some time,,it will come around and far as the type of coral you have in there right now are brown zoo`s and they are like that ,,thats there color... good luck


piorites maybe not real sure google that for some pics of some and compare them.
tank looks good if the corals have been without light for a month then it will take some time to regain there color and some corals are just a dull brown color to begin with.


Active Member
You can have a great looking tank with that lighting! I had the same size tank with same lighting and I kept many types of corals. I posted some pics of it below. Give it time, a month is a long time for them to be without lighting, but they should bounce back cause they are not real light demanding corals. I did find that zoas colors do not pop out at you under those lights unfortunately, but if you get some high colored ones they will look decent.
