few more pics of the new 180 and new fish!


Active Member
lol my calcium reactor will be set up tomorrow ive been puttin thqat off
ill snap some more tomorrow ok lol ***)


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a few more guys got some percula clowns today they went to the RBTA for a few mins but seem to be paying more attention to my GSP colony



Active Member
Hey Murph, did you take down that lionfish tank? The tank looks really great, cant wait to see more.


Active Member
those sure are nice im guna wait a lil and figure it out but they are some eye catching fish for sure i really think they make a nice show piece in a tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
those sure are nice im guna wait a lil and figure it out but they are some eye catching fish for sure i really think they make a nice show piece in a tank
Yep...they sure are. I think one would look magnificent in your tank. JMO


Active Member
i think it would too im guna look into them and see what they need and stuff like that but they are sure colorful


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
uh oh refund money i dont wana know about that

Oh yea, Adam (Spacegeek, Pitbull) and I go way back. I sent him base rock and he sent me corals in the mail and did not know how to ship. Needles to say, I have been trying to track him down since around Christmas. Sorry to butt into your thread.


Active Member
damn, he STILL hasnt payed you back? lol
murph: i just plain love your fuzzy dwarf. it was part of the reason that inspired me to get one. PS: i decided to put mine in my fowlr, at least until i set up my sump/refugium to keep bioload down.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
damn, he STILL hasnt payed you back? lol
murph: i just plain love your fuzzy dwarf. it was part of the reason that inspired me to get one. PS: i decided to put mine in my fowlr, at least until i set up my sump/refugium to keep bioload down.
No not yet. he keeps avoiding me. He has all this "knowledge" ppl rave about but yet don't know how to ship corals in the mail? Come on.
Oh, Murph, I too am still looking for that perfect Dwarf. Your's ruint me for life. :cheer:


Active Member
yeah everyones always amazed at the color of my fuzzy wheni bought him i didnt realize yellows are hard to find or something
but hes doing great in his new 180 roaming around he has to be kinda menacing looking to the other small anthias though lol