few pics with questions


How are your corals so big!?
Please answer these for me about your tank:
Salt you use:
Tank size:
How much water do you change weekly?:
What other additives do you add?:
How often do you add them?:
Do you have a sump?:
Please answer these for me.. I really like your tank.. I have MH 500W total.. my corals just do not grow!.. i have no clue what to do..


Active Member
hi mona!

lets see im trying to figure out how they are growing so big too....
my colt has grown like 10x's its original size in like 5 months
my bubble has trippled or more in 4 months
my toadstool has trippled in 3 months
my zoos multiply pretty fast
i have encrusting xenia that is spreading like crazy
my shrooms keep splitting
and everything else seems to be doing good too
PH: 8.1-8.3
Nitrate: 0
Nitrite: 0
Salinity: 1.025 i have an automatic top off system to replenish with fresh DI water
Ammonia: 0
Calcium: 450-460
KH: ? dont know
Lighting: 480 watts PC acitinics 12 hours day time 10 hours on timers
Temp: 80-81 kept cool with 2 3" CPU fans i installed into the canopy
Salt mix: fresh ocean water from my LFS
i add B-Ionic 2 part calcium buffer system 1 dose every sunday
i dont have a sump my tank has about 150lbs of LR with a 3" fine crushed coral substrate. the tank is bottom drilled and water is sucked to my two fluval 404's that i run a high grade carbon (chemi-pure) and then returned through the top... i have 2 other power heads and a skimmer... i also have a uv filter
im not sure what it is my tank has been up and running for a good 2 years now and the water is very stable.... i can have a large snail die in the tank and nothing changes....
what exactly do you have for your tank??
i hope that helped some what....
good luck!


Active Member
Hey, check your e-mail. I was going to ask you about that fuzzy lion in the e-mail but figured others might want to know so thought I would ask you here.
Any and all information would be good but if you could answer, how long have you had it, what does it eat, is it aggressive towards your other fish and more specifically where did you get it?


Active Member
hey scott
just replied to your email....
ive had it now for about 5 months or more.... it cost me $20 at the fish store out here in simi off of tapo canyon.... it eats pretty much anything from mysid, brine, krill, squid, and formula....
hes very non-aggressive minds his own business never seen him chase a fish or even look at a coral or invert.....
hes a great fish adds lots of charecter and color to the tank.... and he stays small which is ideal for a reef tank...
u can ask them to order you one up .... they are good at getting request.... ive never seen another one with this color though.... most are not as bright....
take care!!!


I have this:
PH: 8.2-8.4
Nitrate: 0
Nitrite: 0
Salinity: 1.024
Ammonia: 0
Calcium: 400-410
KH: 140
Lighting: 500W MH
Salt you use: Tropic Marin
Tank size: 75
How much water do you change weekly?: 10-15G
What other additives do you add?: NONE
How often do you add them?: NA
Do you have a sump?: NO
3 PHs
90lbs LR
75lbs LS
Bunch of soft corals
I actually had PC lighting before.. my corals seemed like they were doing real well. I think after my MH, they were shocked.. its been 6 months now, and still I do not see the growth which I thought I would have with MH lights. i dont know what to do. any additives which can improve growth? any suggestions?
what is B-Ionic 2 part calcium buffer system? sometimes i put in liquid calcium.. is the b-ionic better? i rather just put it once a week..


Active Member
well it sounds like your system is running good....
what do you have for filtration if your not using a sump?? just live rock and your skimmer?? u might consider running a canister filter for some extra filtration and you can use some high quality carbon to polish up your water....
looks like your numbers are good....
only thing i might try to do is raise your salinity up a little bit .... i mean its in the right area but most people try to keep it at about 1.025-1.026 for reef tanks.... i dont know if real ocean water makes a big difference or not but i usually do a 10% water change every 2-3 weeks ...
you say you have had the lights not for 6 months?? what is the setup like 2 seperate 250W MH's or one 500W MH? whats the kelvin rating 10K 15K 20K?? i have a mixture of 6500K 10K and both actinic 02 & 03 with a total of 480 watts.... what kind of PC lighting did you have before?? im thinking that if you might only have 10K bulbs you might need to accent them with a few PC or VHO's with acitinic bulbs to give them a more full spectrum.... i mean 500 watts of MH is more than pleanty of lighting but most people still run PC's or VHO's to add the blue/purple end of the spectrum which is really important to corals growth....
it seems like you do a lot of water changes.... i would think if u changed 10 gallons every 2 weeks you would be fine.... but if your system is doing good u might not wanna change what your doing.... with a decent canister filter and good carbon you could go longer between water changes though.... less of a hassle

as for the B-Ionic 2 part calcium buffer system it comes in 2 seperate white bottles....its made by some company called ESV.... the first part is the alkalinity and the second part is the calcium.... i only do one full dose every sunday because my calcium seems stable already from doing the 10% water changes every 2 weeks.... but i add it just to give some extra.... stays around 440-460.... it also contains other trace elemnts like iodide...
i dont know what else to say hummmm :notsure:
answer those few questions and lets see....
what exactly do you have in your tank right now?? as for fish and corals....???
thanks !!!!