Few questions about QT


New Member
I am going to be using a 10 gallon for my QT. It's cycling now with all normal readings. My question is what meds would be best to have on hand for various illnesses that might arise (well probably will). I want to get everything set for when I'm ready to start adding fish in my 55, have a few weeks of curing LR and LS left . Also how long after my 55 is ready do I need to wait to start adding my "Clean up crew"? And which ones would be the best to add? Do I also have to put them in my QT tank for a few weeks also? Maybe that will be best. Sorry about all the questions at once but I want to make sure everything is ready to go. Any and all suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


Staff member

Originally posted by Tami
I am going to be using a 10 gallon for my QT. It's cycling now with all normal readings. My question is what meds would be best to have on hand for various illnesses that might arise (well probably will).
What I would do is check out your LFS to see what meds they have available. Your biggest and most likely fish disease will be ich, which requires no medication. We suggest using hyposalinity. Meds to look for at the LFS is MaracynTwo for SW fish, Furacyn [ Nitrofurazone ], formalin and Cupramine [copper] or Chloroquine diphosphate. If these are readily available then I wouldn't get them unless you need them; plan fish purchases when you know you can access the LFS. Otherwise, you can stock up on these items if you want. Antibiotics, however, have a short-term shelf life.
I want to get everything set for when I'm ready to start adding fish in my 55, have a few weeks of curing LR and LS left . Also how long after my 55 is ready do I need to wait to start adding my "Clean up crew"?
Your reef tank already has a "cleanup crew" that comes in on the rock. I would start feeding the "crew" now so that it doesn't die off. If all is well with your tank, You can start adding lightly other "crew members" after a month when your cycle is complete. Wait to add fish.
And which ones would be the best to add? Do I also have to put them in my QT tank for a few weeks also?
You don't have to QT inverts. Worms, snails are good choices for cleanup crews. Be careful with hermits, and definately don't get more than a few if any. There have been many discussions on cleaning crews here. Do a search in the Reef Tank section using our search feature.


New Member
I have flor. lights on my Qt (10,000 Coral life). Can I switch these to the 2 small bulb type hood? So I can use the Flor light to set up another 10 gallon.


Staff member
Sure. Any kind of lighting can be used in the QT. No special needs here.