Few Questions Regarding Breeding Clowns..

I've posted questions, and very few has been answered. many left unanswered.
1. What time of the day does the female usually lay?
2. do they usually lay in the same spot each time?
3. Is it wise to try to raise fry on every other batch, not every one?
4. Terra Cotta Pot or flat Slate?
5. How many eggs usually in a batch?
6. My female was huge for the last few days. earlier this morning, she didnt look as fat. did she lay and hiding the eggs somewhere from my view, or could could I be wrong and she was constipated for the few days?


Active Member
1. Depends on her
2. Normally
3. if you have the room , equipment , and knowledge .
4. Flat slate or flat rock on an angle
5. usually the first few lays are only less than 100 , later on can be 500 + .
6. From your video , looks like they are getting ready . But can take months of cleaning before laying .
thanks. She looks thin now and I see nothing. I messed up the tank abit, the plant I had in there was killing my corals so I had to take it out, messing everything up. oops. my poor corals are pretty much dead now. sigh.


Active Member
A lot of times when you change the tank or disturb anything it can delay the fish from laying .
I know, which is why I didnt weed the plant earlier. but I wanted to try to save my corals if possible. its a win/lose situation here, lol.