Few Questions


New Member
Hi everyone,
Just a few question, hope you can help.
1. I was thinking of purchasing a porcupine puffer, what are some disadvantages and should I be concerned about my other fish(Tangs, damsels and clown)? Are they venemous harmful?
2.What can happen if fish are to be kept in a smaller aquarium then suggested, maybe if they do not have enough room to swim around.
3. Is it normal to have new fish that were just added to be disturbed by the other meaning chasing and things like that. Should something be done or is it normal and let them adapt on thier own.
Thank you



Originally posted by tomekpalar
1. I was thinking of purchasing a porcupine puffer, what are some disadvantages and should I be concerned about my other fish(Tangs, damsels and clown)? Are they venemous harmful?

No, they are not venemous. Definitely research any fish before your make your purchase. What size tank do you have? What other fish do you plan to keep or already have? Generally speaking, the porcupine is probably the least aggressive/picky among the puffers.
Originally posted by tomekpalar
2.What can happen if fish are to be kept in a smaller aquarium then suggested, maybe if they do not have enough room to swim around.

Why would you do this?? They will stress, become unhealthy and/or diseased and they will die.
Originally posted by tomekpalar

3. Is it normal to have new fish that were just added to be disturbed by the other meaning chasing and things like that. Should something be done or is it normal and let them adapt on thier own.

Again, depending on the fish that you plan to keep, I would suggest turning the lights out when a new fish is added. This should help to cut back on the new guy getting picked on.