shane s.
New Member
1)I have a paddlefin wrasse that keeps hanging around the top of the tank(nose up)like he wants to try to gulp air.He started doing this 2 days ago.Have had him for about 2 months,and he always acted fine before this.He eats about anything(brine shrimp,flakes,rosies)without any problem,but now he doesn't even flinch at any food.He was very active before,but now just hangs there facing upward,fins paddling the whole time.Shows no signs of disease at all-still has excellent coloration.Just curious because we were thinking of transferring to a new tank,but don't want to if he's sick.He is about 5 in. long in a tank (55 gal)with 2 damsels,a clownfish,and a volitan,which they never seem to fight at all.Just got a high nitrate reading,so I changed 15 gal. of water,and put a nitrate reducer in,but it didn't seem to do any different for him-he still acts the same-it just seems weird that he started doing this out of the 2)I have in another tank a spiny box puffer that NEVER quits swimming around circling the tank.I'm afraid he is gonna stress out,and develop some kind of disease.I can only get him to eat krill,and he doesn't care for the cheep stuff,either.I've tried brine shrimp,which he attacks and spits out right away,and ghost shrimp that he won't even look at twice.Was looking for another type of food for him,and/or some kind of vitamin supplement for a better diet.He tends to eat pretty good(not a lot),but sometimes he won't eat for days,like he's tired of ther same ol thing. 3)I have a volitan lionfish about 7 in. long that I feed almost exclusively rosies.I had heard not to feed them goldfish-something about digestion-and have never fed him a one,but are rosies that bad for them?I've had him for over 6 months,and he is a beatiful fish.He will approach a silver side and look at it,but won't eat one.Was the same with krill,until the other night he finally ate a piece without spitting it.It seems he only wants to chase after a "moving" target,and I have seen more than once that they prefer live fish.Looking for some opinions from people who know more about saltwater than me!