Fewer bubbles but replaced with water surges...please help


I've made a few changes to my fuge...like changed the whole thing! I've gone from the Proclear for the 75 (about 10g) to a 30g tank with baffles. I've ordered the Quiet One 2200 pump which has a max of 581gph to replace the Magdrive 950. I changed the flexible drain hose and hard plumbed. The drain is part of my problem now, I think. I've started with a 1.25 inch pipe straight down to the fuge with an elbow at the bottom. I am getting a lot of noise and water surges in my overflow of my DT. I feel like the smaller pump will help, but shouldn't I go down in size on my drain pipe? If so, what do others out there use? 3/4 inch??? 1 inch???


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
Why would you go with a smaller pump?

Exactly , your pump is not going to affect any noise or problems with your overflow . Sounds like your overflow is draining faster than your tank can handle . Try keeping a higher water level or valve down your drain line from the overflow to slow it down to where you keep a constant water level . This should keep it quieter .


My tank is 75g. With the mag 950 and only 3 feet of lift, I am moving about 800gph. I have a hurricane in the tank (still have the magdrive running). The noise of moving water is so loud, everyone goes to the bedroom to watch TV. My very quiet canister filter on my 37g tank is looking pretty good right now! I thought about slowing the return water with a valve, but that would put stress on the pump. Any suggestions at this point would be greatly appreciated as I've been on this problem in some form for about 2 weeks now trying to set up my new tank.


Active Member
I thought about slowing the return water with a valve, but that would put stress on the pump.
Well , you wouldn`t be valving down the pump return line ,but the line from the overflow .Valving down your return line from the pump will lower your water level and cause more noise . Also valving a pump does not strain the pump if valved on the output , if you ever needed to .


So my problem is not how much water I am pushing UP, but how much is falling DOWN? Will changing the pipe size work? To 3/4 or 1 inch? If so, which would be better?


Active Member
Originally Posted by inawe
So my problem is not how much water I am pushing UP, but how much is falling DOWN? Will changing the pipe size work? To 3/4 or 1 inch? If so, which would be better?
I would just put a valve in the line . No need to be changing the piping . What overflow are you using ?


Between responses here and reading other posts, I have come to the conclusion that the surges in my overflow are primarily due to the fact that my pump is trying to push about 800g through an overflow made for only 600g...thoughts?


Active Member
If your pump was too fast your tank would be overflowing with water , not causing surges/noise in the overflow .


That makes sense. So, where are the surges/noise coming from? Using the pic above, that is the water level the majority of the time, however, about every 20 seconds or so this level in the overflow drops from there to about half way above the hole (in other words, it drops about 3/4 inch) all of a sudden and makes this gushing/gurgling sound. Why is this happening? Will the valve on the drain pipe correct this?


Active Member
Try removing the elbow or the whole tube and elbows . I really don`t see the purpose why the pipe is like that . Never seen an overflow with pipe in it except a mesh pipe for a prefilter . What brand tank do you have ?


The tank is All-Glass and the overflow is MegaFlow by All-Glass. If I take off the elbow, should I put something over the opening as a prefilter?


Active Member
i know exactly what you need to do. a durso standpipe or a stockman stand pipe. it looks like the durso would fit in your overflow but i have a stockman on my tank and it made my tank silent. i have a aga 400gph corner overflow with a mag 9.5 and it is silent. before i put on the standpipe it was unbelievably loud. http://www.dursostandpipes.com/ is the website for the durso(no links or adds so it should be ok to post), the stockman is a little more low profile. google there web site


Active Member
I was just looking on their website . Does the water level get below the hole in the elbow ? If so that will cause noise .

tx reef

Active Member
Do the durso. Ditch that drain pipe the megaflow comes with. It will always have that flushing sound if you don't.
I did the durso mod on mine.....problem solved. No more noise.


Active Member
i did a stock man(couldnt fit a durso) and cut the teeth out of my overflow and replaced it with gutter gaurd. increased flow, and no more flushing.