alright some specs
like i said 72x30x25.... roughly 233 gallons...
3 250w 20k xms
2 110w vho 03 actinics
mrc mr-2
2 little giant 4 mdqx's on closed loops
1 pcx40 return from sump
2 1 1/4" bulkheads drain to 75 gal stock tank
returned through 2 3/4" returns
2 1 1/4" drain into closed loop returned though 4 3/4" bulkheads
400 lbs misc lr fiji tonga and mi
fish list
21 blue green chromis
7 lyretail anthias 1 male 6 female
2 white bonnet clowns
corals will be all lps with the excpetion on encrustin monti
4 carpet anemones i have a blue and green.... red and yellow are on order
anything else just ask