Fiber optics


Has anyone ever investigated or used fiber optic cable as a light source or supplement for the aquarium?
Just another idle question from something I saw today. Thoght it a good idea, but it seems when I have these, many provide ample reasons against's hear them!


Active Member
Fiber optics are too localized - but if you want to direct light to a specific place in the tank without having light everywhere Fiber optics will do nicely


I was thinking the replies would focus on algae or the like. Couldn't one spread out the output w/in the tank. What I saw was small fibers that cast a small amount of light. In the near future, I have the ability to utilize any amount of them to broadcast whatever area I want. As such, would one advise against or for?


Active Member
That would be cool if you could get a light source for it within an aquatic type setting parameters...


Active Member
I suppose one wouldn't want regular spectrum lighting going through the fiber cables.
Not knowing alot about fiber optics, presumably it would consist of optic transmitting fiber cables attached to a lighting source.
I would think that lighting source most likely isn't going to be in the 6500+k area commonly used in an aquatic setting.
I could be way out of the ballpark with this though. If I am, please explain it to me...using preferrably red and blue crayons.


Ohhh, I suppose the paramount thing I omitted was the intended light source... that big bulb in the sky! (feelin' kinda dumb!):p


Active Member
Tim O I have to say that you have in some way inspired me. I am currently researching as much as I can about fiber optics, just because I looked at your thread and said......HUH? Still not finding much on the web in ways for using it as lighting, any recomendations?


I know they have been used in some high-end construction and retrofits...Domed receptical on the roof with wrapped cable bundles able to make turns in wall spaces to where it's emitted. Simple enough, it seems. If it would be viable, think of energy savings and heat issues.:cool:


I don't know I have been away to for somtime but that is a post we did along time ago it might help you...


Thanks, osolow. It will be a year or so till the new house, so now is the time for research. I hadn't done a search before I posted this thread. Take care.


Active Member

Originally posted by TimO
Jamesurg... Where is that man??? I miss his wit and advise:confused:

I miss him also:( All I was told is, he is not a member anymore, and than my thread asking where he was got deleted.