Fickle Filters!


Hi all - great board!! I have been reading & researching for months on this board, so much to learn! Anyhow, I am a long-time marine life lover and am researching equiment for my 1st SW tank - I still have much to learn, so I won't be making any quick decisions that will cost me or any fish pain. My current dilemma is deciding on a filter - I will be starting out with a 55g FOWLR tank with an undrilled glass tank. What would be the best filter for an undrilled tank? From what I've researched here & on the web - undergravel -out, canister - not great for SW & causes probs w/protein skimmer? Wet/dry/trickle - somewhat pointless as LR provides sufficient biological filtration - less, no need for bio balls or other such media... I haven't seen too much info on the mechanical filters though... For this type of setup - any recommendations? Also would like to see if anyone has any pics of their hang-on tank setups- just how cluttered does it end up looking? Thanks!!!


My 55 glass has an Emp 400 I use to clear the solid particles. I use the carbon refillable. I also have a CL Super Skimmer for protein skimming. AS long as I clean the filters (rinse them out) and change the carbon before the waste breaks down I don't have nitrate problems.
The only thing that sticks out above the light strip is the protein skimmer but it is something I need as I didn't want to go sump yet.
My 72 has the same protein skimmer but I am using a left over fluval 403 cannister for extra water movement and carbon to clear the water a bit. I will keep an eye for nitrate issues.


Thanks so much, that helps! So the Emp 400 seems pretty simple - I checked it out.. It seems I shouldn't be too concerned about buying a super expensive wet/dry or canister for a 55 gal.. Do you notice any difference yet in water clarity/quality between your 2 filter systems? Also I love the specs on some of the Eheim canister filters, do you think buying a high end canister or mechanical is worth it on this type of tank? Thanks for all your help!