Fierce disgusting nasty smell


New Member
I received a new lavender mushroom by overnight delivery yesterday, took it through a two hour acclimation, and placed it in a nice clean area in my tank.
It smells bad. Really bad. Like a-gallon-of-sour-milk-settled-deep-in-wet-carpeting bad. (Those of you with kids know what I mean...)
The water it came in smelled sour when I opened the bag yesterday, but this was watered down gradually with tank water during the acclimation process and then disposed of completely.
24 hours later, the whole house stinks and it's coming from the tank.

I tested for ammonia, nitrate, and nitrate and everything is good and I'm whipping up a batch of replacement water now to do a 25% water change.
The lavender mushrooms are open, and look really pretty and healthy.
What do I do?


Haven't had that bad of smell yet myself, but speaking of bad rock when its just placed in the tank or it is out of water! YUCK:scared:


Well-Known Member
Just speculating here. normally the water near the bottom is more anerobic and smelly. If you stir that up it may tank a day or two to get rid of the smell. Did you spill water on the stand or carpet or possibly a fish jump out of the tank when you were adding these?


New Member
The smell was really strong in the water that shipped with the mushrooms and it seems to have taken over the tank water.
One other interesting bit - my clowns absolutely love these 'shrooms. They've been bonding with them all day, doing that odd little ritual where they bite the rock really hard while shaking their bodies.
And then, about an hour ago, the anemone decided to go for his monthly constitutional and headed straight for the new mushrooms as well.
And I thought my life was dull...


Lol, how cute...that is a nice me, your life is not are the best thing you can ever own in your own life..besides family!!!


New Member
I'm beginning to think tanks are slightly evil. I have gotten really good at fibbing to my husband. Ever time he says something along the lines of "Wow, that's a pretty coral, how much does something like that run?" I inevitably divide the real answer by two (and in some cases three...)
Maybe he won't notice that I just set up a second tank in my office...