Fighting clownfish


New Member
My current tomato clown is attacking my new marron clown. I have 2 anemmines. Will they be ok after a while?
how big is your tank?
I tried to add a new clown and the other pair of clowns would not leave it alone !!!
I have not seen it since the first day I put it in <img src="graemlins//dead.gif" border="0" alt="[dead]" /> <img src="graemlins//dead.gif" border="0" alt="[dead]" />


New Member
My tank is 55 gal. I have 1 yellow tang,1 fire shrimp, 2cleeaners, 2 anemones, and app. 45 lbs. of live rock. hopefully, the new clown will make its new home in the unused anemone.
It does not look good for the new clown!!!
They are pretty teritorial especialy since you do not have much room in a 55 g.
But please keep us posted, I would like to know if it works out


I tried doing what you are trying, but after 2 days I could tell that it was never going to work out. I had to sit up a new tank for the new clowns. You might trying rearrangeing the rock and what ever you have, so that the OLDER ones are tricked to thinking they are the new ones. All Clowns are very territorial !!!
Best of luck to You. :D


its not a good idea to mix species of clowns in one tank. tomatoe clowns can be aggressive and maroons are known for aggressiveness after they get older. you should stick with one species and not go over 2. you could give it some time but if you see marks on one of them or they are not eating you will have to seperate them. clowns are very territoral and will protect their space.


New Member
Day 2. tomatoe clown is still acting badley towards new one.gonna give it more time. neither clown wants anything to do with the new bubble anemone. Its pure white ,Iv read that thats bad .Is it dying or what? The other bubble anemone (brown) wont stay put. HELP!!!!!!!!!!


I believe the fighting will continue. Your Tomatoe may end up killing your Maroon Clown. You may want to put the Maroon Clown in your QT. After he is better I would take him back to your lfs and see if you could get a credit.


<img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" /> If you hurry you can succied! Listen.. KILL THE CLOWN YOU JUST BOUGHT! I would perfer taking him out of the tank until his lungs explode! THen run to the pet store and tell them he just died after putting him in your tank! Get your money back and buy a different fish. THEY WON'T TAKE HIM BACK
Now, if you want this trick to work you will have to shed a couple of tears when returning the corps. I've succeded at this trick numerous times at *****, Petsmart, and the EASIEST WALMART!!!!!!!!! HAHAHA <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" /> :mad:


wallmart has sw fish? hmm... anyway, my petcos have always accepted my unwanted live fish that I wanted to return for whatever reason. from what I understand, and asked, is that their policy is that as long as the fish you are returning is still healthy they will accept it and exchange for a different one.

slk's reef

I just also got a pair of maroons and my clarkie clow and them would fight so i tiik back the clark and now my maroons are really doing good :D


New Member
I returned the maroon today, got store credit, and took home a dwarf angle. All is well in tank now! Thanx for all the info. I only wish I had found this message board Sooner.