a wild conch has been taken out of the ocean, he was born there. an aquacultured or captive conch was born in an aquarium. get what i'm saying now?
Very interesting, news to me :notsure:
Seriously though, you stated a wild a conch gets very big, as in a wild conch will get much larger than an aquacultered one. The ones this site sells are wild. I posted more than one site that stated a WILD fighting conch will only reach a max size of 4 inches. But you keep seem to be implying the "wild" fighting conches reach 12 inches or so. In response to the reason this site states they should be kept in a tank at least 100g, you specifically stated,
because the ones(FIGHTING CONCHS) on this website are WILD. therefore they get very BIG.
Then you stated,
i don't know if you know this but most aquacultured animals of any type will typically stay somewhat small that something that was brought from the wild. ever heard of adapting to one's environment. after a few generations have been kept in captivity they begin to adapt.
Even if an aquacultured queen conch is smaller than a wild one at 12 inches, I'm sure it will still get much larger than a wild fighting conch of only 4 inches. This is where you lost me in your reasoning. Again, I'm really not trying to argue with you, just trying to understand what you are saying.
But back to the original post, am I wrong about the way this site lists the two? Shouldn't the descriptions of each be backwards?