Originally Posted by Hurt
Now I am completely lost on your reasoning? You have SIX queen conches in your 75G? WOW! :scared: I thought you were just scolding celacanthr's friend for have one fighting conch in a 20g? I'm pretty sure an aquacultured queen conch will get much larger than 4-5 inches. But, I seriously doubt a fighting conch will actually be able to move a 5lb peice of LR. I'm not too concerned with them destroying my reef, for they stay on the bottom. Thanks for the insight though, I do appreciate your responses. From what I've learned they can "jump" when threatened, and that is probably what you saw with the hermit. Again, I'm not trying to argue, I'm just trying to understand your reasoning. :thinking:
i know but they are all at an inch at the moment. by the time they get too big i will have upgraded. i also have a sailfin tang which i know will also need a bigger tank in time.