Fighting Conch question.


Is it normal for a Fighting Conch to not move around all that much? I got one yesterday as part of a CuC and unlike all the other critters that immediately went to work all over the tank, the Conch moved around a little bit, then stayed in one spot for the rest of the day. When I came to the tank this morning to turn on the lights, the Conch was only a few inches from the spot he was originally at when the lights went out.
Just wanna check and make sure if this is normal or if I was sold a sick/dying Conch.


It's normal....usually they bury themselves in the sand and you will only see them periodically, BUT they are very slow LOL


Ok good to know... I actually just came home and now the conch is on the other side of the aquarium and moving around. I finally got a good look at its face poking out of the shell. Really goofy looking creature... I think I will name it Jar Jar lol.


Active Member
We have had 2 fighting conchs and now we have 1 bear and 1 fighting. The fighting conch has been with us since the cycle ended/started (POV thing). Larry, our fighting conch, was a big mover in the begining. He was all over the tank with his snout going a million miles an hour. Jerry, the other fighting conch who is not with us anymore, used to climb the glass and was really all over the place. We awoke to finding the skunk shrimp cleaning Jerry's foot even though it wasnt dirty. I had to get the shell out before the missus saw so she wouldnt be so broken hearted. Beary, our bear conch, climbs the glass like Jerry did, and goes all over the rocks. Usually when the lights are one, the conchs are hidden in the sand or under rocks. When the lights go off, they come out. Larry doesnt move around so much any more, but that is probably because of the algea strips I put in for Falcor, our one spot blenny. I would chalk it up to normal behavior.


Ok... well FYI my conch isn't buring itself in the sand... it just sits on top of the sand all day. Also , this morning he was in the same spot from the previous day. I took him out and sniffed him and when I put him back he moved around a little bit (like two steps) then stopped.


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/386760/fighting-conch-question#post_3399160
Man are you brave...LOLOL
can you see his eyes poking out? They are not speedy gonzales...haha
Haha... well after sniffing dead Turbo Snails I think I can sniff enything lol. Yes I can see the eyes every now and then. I understand that it can be a slow critter... but 2 steps and then remain perfectly still for almost 24 hours seems really strange to me for something that is supposed to be such a good sand sifter.


Well-Known Member
give him a day or two to warm up to ur tank! Mine kinda slowed down and isnt as active as it was! Wierd creature with the foot and all....great sand cleaner though!


Well its been over a week now and my conch hasn't moved at all from the spot I left him... he pokes his eyes out every now and then and when I picked him up and he retracted into his shell so I know he's alive. Its just so strange that he just doesn't move period.
Oh well, I got a diamond goby a few days ago and he's doing a great job at keeping the sand nice and sifted... so I'm officially transferring the conch from the CuC to decorative shell duty lol!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Wartooth1 http:///forum/thread/386760/fighting-conch-question#post_3403173
Well its been over a week now and my conch hasn't moved at all from the spot I left him... he pokes his eyes out every now and then and when I picked him up and he retracted into his shell so I know he's alive. Its just so strange that he just doesn't move period.
Oh well, I got a diamond goby a few days ago and he's doing a great job at keeping the sand nice and sifted... so I'm officially transferring the conch from the CuC to decorative shell duty lol!
LOL...I used to think my cleaner shrimp always stayed in this one rock....For years that is the only spot I saw it in. Then one evening, it was past regular bedtime, I turn on the living room lamp (I could see inside the tank but it was dark) and there was the shrimp on the other side of the tank. So maybe your snail returns to his resting spot each morning and moves at night.