Fighting Conch


A long time ago I posted if the Queen Conch or Fighting Conch was a good specimen. Well a month and a half ago I got a tank bred Fighting Conch. This thing is the coolest. It cleans about a SIX inch diemeter in the Live sand bed in 2 hours.When I first got it, it was active in the day,now it digs in the sand bed and hides untill 5' 0'clock at night, He's active all night till 7.30 o'clock in the mourning.But when he's buired,you can see a little of his shell, about 3.00 o'clock on. Since he's getting ready to emerge for the night. His snout is about 1 inch long.It get's along with evrything in my tank.:yes: !And the best part,if he gets fliped over on his shell,he will flip himself back over with his foot !!!! this is one cool creature.


i agree:yes: my favorite creature in all of my tanks:yes:

nm reef

Active Member
yup...I agree...very kewl creature. I have a 2"-3" fighting conch that has a cornor of the sand bed(he managed to get behind some LR on the back right cornor). He is sort of stuck in a relatively small area but seems to be doing fine. The best part is I have a great view of him at all times secluded in his little area. It does spend a lot of time buried in the sand but now and then he'll be up and about. The only reason I haven't moved him back out into the open is due to his tendacy to bulldose assorted corals/clams on the sand bed...and I have several specimans on the sand bed. the way its worked out I have the opportunity to keep my corals/clams on the sand bed without disrupting them plus I have the conch in a rather secluded area where i can also enjoy him.